In-person solutions
Lead retrieval

Lead retrieval, modernized

Find your ideal leads, in-person or online. Experience the next-generation lead retrieval system powered by AI.

Your personal

Lead matchmaker

Don’t spend time searching for leads. MeetingPlay’s matchmaking assistant learns your preferences and delivers the leads you want in real time.

One-step scanning

Easily scan the person’s QR code and you're set! You'll receive the lead’s information in real time and have instant access to advanced features like AI-powered “Hot Lead” recommendations and an integrated communication suite.

  • Scan and save lead information with your mobile device (hand scanners also available)
  • Access lead data in real-time

Instantly rate your leads

Leverage smart matchmaking to discover relevant leads in real time. Rate a lead and receive personalized recommendations instantly.

  • Prioritize hot leads and take notes as-it-happens
  • Create unlimited survey questions to qualify and learn more about your leads

Your in-app communication suite

Our integrated communication suite is built to save you time. In one simple interface, you can broadcast live audio, send follow-up emails and texts, calendar invites, and files to leads and prospects.

  • Alert your sales team when a lead is hot
  • View communication actions in a single menu
  • Track all leads with an at-a-glance dashboard

Data that keeps up with you

Access the information you want, when you want it. All lead data updates instantly, syncing your leads, notes, and reliable data in real time.

  • Make updates on the go
  • Lead information is available in real time
  • Access it on the MeetingPlay app

A full-suite management system

Bring your lead information into one place with MeetingPlay Management Suite.

Access your information in one easy-to-use piece of technology. Harness cutting-edge tools that will help you take lead capturing and nurturing to the next level.

  • Find quality leads fast
  • Simple lead scanning, tracking, and management
  • Engage with the leads that matter

Need hardware?

Rent a device for additional convenience.


Capture and store data in real time with an easy-to-use scanning device.


Rent phones and tablets pre-loaded with the MeetingPlay App to keep devices separate.


Rent laptops preloaded with the MeetingPlay Management Suite.

Experience modern lead retrieval.

Get started by booking a demo now. Enter your email address and speak with a member of the MeetingPlay team.

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