
Free eBooks that will help you get the most out of your next event.

Featured eBook

11 Ways to Monetize Your Event App

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How to Plan Successful Hybrid Events

Empower, engage and connect your hybrid audience.

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The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Event Engagement

Virtual event engagement doesn't have to be difficult.

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The Ultimate Guide to Live Streaming

How to effectively execute your next event’s live video strategy.

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The Ultimate Guide to Improving Event Attendee Engagement

How to engage your attendees at every stage of the event journey.

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How MeetingPlay Takes Event App Customization to the Next Level

How MeetingPlay takes a consultative approach customize your event app.

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Event Gamification

Event and meeting planners' step-by-step guide to event gamification.

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Custom Mobile Event Apps

Everything you need to know when considering a mobile event app.

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Case Study: Customization

How one client customized their app to meet attendees' needs.

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Social Features

Event and meeting planners' guide to activity feeds and social walls.

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Case Study: RFID

How one client incorporated RFID bracelets combined with a mobile app to provide a better experience for their attendees.

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25 Tips for Successful Event Personalization

Higher personalization leads to higher engagement.

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Make the Most of Your Event App

MeetingPlay and BizBash uncover deep insights into how event organizers make the most of their event apps.

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